
The Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project (KSHIP) is the first major initiative of the Public Works Department (PWD) of Government of Karnataka (GOK) for improvement of roads and highways network of the state with external assistance

Starting as early as 2001, KSHIP has introduced several international best practices in road sector construction in the state with adoption of comprehensive Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and Environment and Traffic Safety Management Plans along with effective Construction Supervision and Quality monitoring arrangements.

Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project-I (KSHIP-I)

The Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project-I was implemented during 2001-2008 at a project cost of Rs.2390 crore with World Bank assistance of US $ 360 million. A total project length of 2385 kms spread over 50 packages was improved. The improvement involved upgradation of 900 kms of roads to two lane standards with 1 mt wide paved shoulders and 1.5 mts earthen shoulders and rehabilitation of 1485 kms to min. intermediate carriageway of 5.5 mts.

The performance of KSHIP-1 received the appreciation of the World Bank in its Portfolio Review of Karnataka in June 2005. The WB has assessed progress of KSHIP as far higher than National Average and on par with the Bank’s worldwide average. The KSHIP has also bagged the India-Tech Excellence Award-2010 as the 2nd Best Implemented Infrastructure Project in India and the award was presented by the President of India on 27th Oct 2010.

India-Tech Excellence Award-2010 function

India-Tech Excellence Award-2010 function.
Her Excellency, Smt.Prathibha Patil, President of India presenting the award to PIU-KSHIP on 27th Oct 2020

India-Tech Excellence Award-2010 function

Sri.B.H.AnilKumar I.A.S, Chief Project Officer,
Sri.N.L.R.Pehsve , Secretary ,PWD,
Sri. K.S.Krishna Reddy, Project Director, KSHIP,
At India-Tech Excellence Award-2010 function.

Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project-II (KSHIP-II)

Encouraged by success of KSHIP-I, GoK carried forward its road development initiative by taking up KSHIP-II Project in 2011-12. KSHIP-II is implemented under (a) the loan assistance of US $ 350 million from the World Bank for developing about 1195 kms and (b) ) the loan assistance of US $ 315 million from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for developing about 616 kms. The contracts are procured under Item Rate, DBFOMT (Annuity) and Co-financing modalities.

A road length of 1195 kms (KSHIP- 834 kms  and  Karnataka Road Development Corporation Limited (KRDCL) -361 kms) has been taken up for improvement at a total project cost of Rs 4522 crore with World Bank assistance. A road length of 662 kms (KSHIP-301 kms & KRDCL-361 kms) has been implemented under Hybrid Annuity Model with concession period of 10 years that includes 8 years of Operation & Maintenance (O & M). The balance 533 kms have been implemented under Item Rate contracts with defects notification period of one year. The loan is closed on 28th December 2018 and the loan assistance utilized is US $ 295.21 million.

A  road length of 616 kms along with construction of 4 Road Over Bridges (ROBs) has been taken up for improvement at a total project cost of Rs 2150 crore with ADB assistance and implemented under item rate contract. The loan is closed on 31st October 2018 and the loan assistance utilized is US $ 263.2 million.

Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) in association with the World Bank (WB) gave iRAP international award to KSHIP for excellence in Road Safety initiative in Asia Pacific.


Karnataka Highways Improvement Project-III (KSHIP-III)

As part of the continuation of the efforts in improving the transportation network efficiency, the Government of Karnataka has initiated KSHIP-III Project with ADB loan assistance of US $ 346 million for development of Core Road Network.


The Project cost is Rs.5334 Crore including LAQ and other costs.  In order to leverage the funds and draw the private sector efficiency, the GOK has shifted the implementation strategy to PPP mode.  The Contracts have concession period of 9 years.  The project entails 75% construction grant from ADB, and the cost  towards the Annuity, O & M, LAQ, Utility shifting etc is borne by GOK.  The Road works are being implemented with 2 years of construction period and 7 years of O & M.  A road length of 418 kms has been taken up for improvement under Hybrid Annuity Model in three packages .As on December 2024, a road length of 377.29  kms upto DBM layer completed  and the project is under various stages of implementation.


Signing of KSHIP-III ADB 2nd Loan

Signing of KSHIP-III ADB 2nd Loan on 30 Aug 2018.
Mr.Kenichi Yokoyama,Country Director ,INRM
Mr.Sameer Kumar Khare,Joint Secretary (FB & ADB),DEA,MOF,GoI
Mr.Arun Bajaj, Senior Transport Specialist, ADB
Mr.Naveen Raj Singh I.A.S, Chief Project Officer,PIU,KSHIP

KSHIP Overview

Project Total Length(kms) Project Cost ( Crore) Implementation period Status
KSHIP-I (World Bank) (Loan No.4606-IN) 2385 2390 2001-2008 Completed
KSHIP-II (World Bank) (Loan No.8022-IN)
(KSHIP-835 kms(rev.826),KRDCL-361 kms)
4522 * 2011-2019 Completed
KSHIP-II (ADB )(Loan No.2705-IND) 616
2150 2011-2019 Completed
KSHIP-III(ADB 2nd Loan) (Loan No.3619-IND) 419 5334 2018-2025

Under Implementation - 377.29 km  upto DBM layer completed as on December 2024

Total 4615

* Excluding annuity 

Institutional Development Strengthening Action Plan (IDSAP)

Apart from improvement of roads, a wide range of reforms have been instituted within the PWD such as;

  • Revision of Departmental Code
  • Identification of Core Road Network (CRN) about 25,000 kms
  • Capacity building in Road Safety Cell.
  • Safe Corridor Demonstration Program(SCDP) involving multi stake holder interventions
  • ISO 9001:2000 & IS014001 Certification for PWD offices
  • Establishment of Planning and Road Asset Management Centre (PRAMC)
  • Governance & Accountability Action Plan (GAAP), Complaint Handling Mechanism (CHM), Public Response Center
  • Strategic study of IT-ICT-MIS Architecture & Capacity for PWD
  • Quality Management and Quality Control Capacity enhancement
  • Project Management Software (PMS)
  • HRD, e-learning and training
Last Updated: 29-Mar-2024 16:20